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Frequently asked questions 


We understand - it's hard to keep track of all our rules and guidelines, hours and event details. We've created this list of frequently asked questions to help our members out. If you don't find the answer here be sure to send us an email!  Instragram and Facebook have the most up to date daily posts!

I thought we could only be a member if we owned a house in the area surrounding the pool? Who can join?

Anyone can join! Historically membership was tied to the deeds of homes however we now encourage membership for any families interested in sharing our facilities. Email us for more at   We look forward to welcoming you to the community! 

Do you have to be a member to swim at the pool or play on the tennis courts?


Yes, this is a private facility for paying members who are in good standing. They may have you as a guest to the facilitiy however they must remain with you during your visit. 

Can I drop my kids off at the pool or send them to swim at the pool without me (the parent/guardian)?


Children 12 years and older may swim at the pool unaccompanied by a parent however, our life guards are responsible for the water safety of everyone in the pool so their behaviour must meet pool guidelines at all time or they will be asked to not come back without a guardian. We reserve the right to revoke that privledge.


Children must be 11 and older to sign in a guest. 

Where do I get a key to the tennis courts?


All members in good standing are eligble for a key to the tennis courts. Please contact to obtain your key. 

I was a member and decided to not rejoin but I've changed my mind - how do I become a member again?


We're thrilled you're hoping to rejoin the Association. Please contact us at to rejoin. 

I'm a member and my child is a certified Life Guard will they automatically be hired to work at the pool?

The children of Members are not automatically hired for employment openings at the pool however, the Board has developed a fair and careful process that favours the children of members for employment so long as their skill match that of candidates who have applied from outside the membership. If two candidates (member and non-member) are equal in all required areas the Association Member gets the position.  


With that said we stress that the safety of our community's children is paramount in any hiring decision - our aim is to involve our members as much as possible and sustain a workforce that is invested in our community. 

I have a great event idea! Who should I contact to suggest it? 


We are always excited to hear from any of our members with ideas for events or improvements to our programming keeping in mind that we are always working with a budget limited by our membership numbers. Previous events that members have organized are nights out to fundraising events, backyard bbq's, bus trips to various attractions that are organized by association members and paid for over and above membership fees. These can be a lot of fun. The Social Committee Board Volunteers cant wait to hear from you

What should I do if I have a complaint about my membership? 


The Volunteer Executive Board is working hard to ensure the satisfaction of the Association Membership. If you are unhappy for any reason we would like to hear directly from you. Please email us at  Someone will respond to your message as soon as possible. Please keep in mind that the Board Members are all employed elsewhere so allow for some time to field your concerns.


We appreciate your feedback.  

My child is 13 and ready to begin Bronze levels of swimming lessons, do you offer certification at SAE pool? 


No - because of the process required for certification it is very diifcult for us to run it through the pool during the summer months. Please see your local city pool or the YMCA for information on how your child can work towards his/her certification levels of swimming lessons.  



Can I paint my front door red?


St Andrew's Estates is not that type of neighbourhood association.  SAE maintains the pool and facility for all members.  We have no influence on what anyone in the neighbourhood does on their own property.  


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